Exercise 04

BA New Media / Online Communication KF/BF A: Spring Term 2023

Media Psychology
Digital Media
Well Being

Felix Dietrich

The basics of Markdown

Check out the following resources:

  1. https://quarto.org/docs/authoring/markdown-basics.html
  2. https://quarto.org/docs/authoring/tables.html
  3. https://quarto.org/docs/authoring/figures.html
  4. https://quarto.org/docs/authoring/footnotes-and-citations.html

Download the template located in the main repository under exercises/templates/exercise04.qmd and open it in a text editor of your choice.

Create a short summary of the text about Digital Well-Being by Vanden Abeele (2021) which you have already read for a previous session. Please follow these steps:

  • Give the document a meaningful title (this is treated as a level 1 heading) and add your name as author
  • Add level two headings to create the following structure: Main Argument, Relevant Quote, Personal Interest
  • Highlight some important aspects in bold or italics
  • Insert one relevant quote from Vanden Abeele (2021) and cite it properly

The basics of Git(Hub)

  1. Log in to GitHub
  2. Open the class repository at https://github.com/felixdidi/23-1-nmok
  3. Create a new fork of the repository by clicking the “Fork” button at the top right
  4. Navigate to the folder wiki/topic_assignment and download the file topic_assignment.qmd
  5. Rename the file to your matriculation number (e.g., 123456.qmd) and open it in a text editor of your choice
  6. Remove all topics except for your preferred topic for the wiki project into the file and save it
  7. Upload the updated file into your fork of the repository on GitHub
  8. Go to the main page of your fork on GitHub and click “Compare & pull request” at the top (if GitHub tells you that your fork is behind the main branch, try to synchronize it first)
  9. Check the comparison — if there are no conflicts, it should say “Able to merge”
  10. Add a meaningful description to the pull request and send it
  11. Check back later if any comments were made about your request — if there is nothing to change, it will be merged into the main